Friday, June 29, 2012

Welcome Back... 3rd Time is a Charm!

Friends & Family. Family & Friends. Enemies & Bastard Children (of which I hope there are not too many). Welcome to the 3rd edition of the TBD-part series of my travel blogs: "The Pacific Northwest - Way better than the Atlantic Southeast."

Since we last spoke, a number of momentous occasions have occurred in my life:

1. I have abandoned the carefree life of a Freelance Healthcare Consultant, and replaced my source of sustenance with another, equally-difficult-to-explain, occupation: Supply Chain Healthcare Consultant. Life is still carefree, yet this time around, I now have health insurance and paid vacation. O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!

2. My travel blogs officially now have a companion. Her name is Julie. She likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, and crocheting the #$*! out of anything made of wool. Blankets and socks beware... also beware, your eyes. Her "finger pointy dance" is known around Austin as a force to be reckoned with.

3. My knowledge of the English language has been severely altered through the recent discovery of "single-sentence-spacing." Crap. A load. Of. Crap. What is worse, any attempt to utilize Old Faithful double-sentence-spacing is auto-corrected by Damn you The Man! For an incomprehensible description of this phenomenom, feel free to corouse my favorite source of sources: Wikipedia's History of Sentence Spacing

4. I have departed from the world of Facebook. Yes, you heard me. I am officially off the grid (ignoring, of course, this more-than-googleable blog). I like this. Poke me. Tag me. My birthday is 5/19/82. I expect 99% less birthday wishes next year.

Now that we have caught up, I welcome you to a substantially shorter, yet no less entertaining travel blog of our 2 week journey to the land of mist and mountains - The Pacific Northwest.
